In this article we will tell you how to convert any model to the quest version for VRChat
Let's take the Feral Trash model as an example
Download this model to your computer
Then open this model in Unity
Download SDK 3.0 and any missing scripts beforehand. For example DPS
Load this model into VRChat.
By resetting the Blueprint beforehand
Congratulations. The model has been successfully uploaded to VRChat
But we still see that this model is only for the PC version. But not for Quest.
Now we will tell you how to convert this model into a quest version. And also upload it to VRChat
1. Switching the platform from PC to quest!
Be sure to specify the same parameters as in the screenshot. After that, click the Switch button.
2. Go into each material that is present on this model and change the shader to:
VRChat ---> Mobile ---> Standart Lite
Be patient. After all, each model has a different amount of materials, and you need to change all materials to this shader!
3. Completely remove dynamic bones and colliders from the model (+Рhysbones )
For faster removal of colliders and dynamic bones you can use the "Pumkins Avatar Tools" script
After completing these steps. You will finally be able to load this model into VRChat!
Loading the model....
In some cases, the SDK can tell you. That your model is larger than 10mb.
But we won't get upset. And we go and compress all materials. (Texture)
The screenshot shows only an example of the compression settings.
It is better to use your own compression settings so as not to degrade the texture quality.
After you have compressed everything, you can load the model into VRChat and you will no longer have this error.
That's it.
We just showed you how to convert any model into a quest version for VRChat!